Just get in!! Qikcover® vehicle seat cover for hikers review.
by Jenn Wanders

"Being an outdoor adventurer can make for a dirty vehicle! Qikcover seat covers are a great solution to keeping your vehicle clean, while still enjoying your adventurous life".  Ambassador Jenn reviewed the Qikcover.


Play, Wash, Repeat: QIKCOVER® Vehicle Seat Protector for Cyclists Review

by Curt Denham

"The key with the Qikcover is its waterproof, dual layer construction that is soft on top yet keeps mud, muck, sweat, etc from getting through to your car seats. Fold them into headpiece cover to make for a easy storage in your kit bag–great for racers (I’m lookin’ at you, ‘Crossers) who don’t get a chance to clean up before heading home."